Sunday, April 17, 2011

Note to self...

I thought I'd drop in to let everyone know what's going on with me and Abigail's.
I am finishing up my second semester of graduate school.

This semester has been the most academically challenging time I've ever had.
With everything I attempt to juggle, I've gotten a little very overwhelmed with life.

Over the past month or two, something had to give.
I certainly wasn't going to let it be my family.

And I couldn't slack on my school committments.

So Abigail's has been sadly neglected.

Here's the good news:
School is going to be finished in a little over two weeks :)
I have so many creative ideas that I feel like my brain is going to explode.
I can't wait to fill the store with new items, new displays, and fresh inspiration.

Hang in there with me.

If you have a shopping emergency
*or you just miss Abigail's so much you can't stand it any longer*
don't hesitate to send me a message on Facebook or email me
and we can schedule a private shopping appointment.


  1. Oh my goodness! I am sooooo happy to hear your just taking a break! :] Be stress free lovely lady! I will visit as soon as your back!

  2. I was in town this last weekend and drove by hoping to see you, but noticed it was looking awfully dark inside. I wondered how in the world you were managing to do it ALL. I love hearing that it wasn't going to be your family that suffered. Hang in there! You are amazing! But don't give up on Abigails either. Can't wait to coem back in and shop sometime!

  3. Love that quote you got up there! Need to remember that myself sometimes.


Thank you for stopping by to see me and what I've been up to. I love, love, love to hear what you have to say.

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