A friend asked me the other day, "Are people buying old windows?"

I haven't been able to keep them in the store!

Today, I just got some really cute vintage green windows in and wanted to give some ideas on how to use them in decorating. Abigail's is all about upcycling furniture and architectural salvage into beautiful and usable home decor. After all, "Green is the new Black!"
There are so many ways to use old windows. Here are some of our favorites:

A divider or garden wall

Framing in a porch. I love this idea!

A cozy cottage table

Window frames used as garden trellises- would be so cute with sweet peas or climbing roses.
This greenhouse project is way beyond my technical/carpentry skills, but so cute!
This old window makes a great display for a vintage purse collection.

I'm sure you all have good ideas too. If you have a picture, send one to us!