Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Did you ever wonder where the pinching tradition started?

It's thought that the pinching started in the early 1700s, about the time that awareness of St. Patrick's Day as a holiday came to the fore in Boston, in the Massachusets Colony. They thought if you wore green, you were invisible to the Leprechauns, which was good because they pinched anyone they could see. So the pinching is to warn and remind you about the Leprechauns.

Pinching those not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day is an American tradition, having nothing really to do with Ireland or Saint Patrick.

And because nobody does it better than Martha, here's a link to a sweet Saint Patty's Day project, for those of you (like me) with way too much free time on your hands:

*This information is from Wikipedia, where all good and reliable research information is found.(actually, I just said that to irritate my sister Aimee).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Visions of Slipcovers

So, I was talking to a friend earlier today.
After a divorce and lost job, I've been trying to convince her 
that there's more than one way to make a living in this world.

We were throwing around ideas and discussing the possibility of her making slipcovered furniture to sell at Abigail's.
She's got awesome sewing skills, she's got the time.

So now I've got visions of white slipcovered furniture dancing in my head like little sugarplums.
Here are some I found on flickr:

I can't wait!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I love that, but I'm not sure what would I do with it...

Funky vintage elements sometimes get that response from customers.
Here are a few photos Courtesy of Amy Butler's Found Style
 to inspire you and get your creativity going...

Monday, March 1, 2010

I've been a terrible blog owner lately!
Every time I take pictures, everything sells before I get a chance to post.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway (see older post).
<3 Melissa

P.S. More to come on our Alice In Wonderland Tea Party
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